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carmine de vita


+39 320 8664885

email bianco
phone bianco
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carmine de vita | about

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After a bachelor's degree in Economics and Finance, I decide to change course, enroll in the conservatory and graduate with a degree in Electronic Music with highest honors in Sound Engineering. I start working as a sound engineer in a recording studio and then devote myself to live concerts. Here I worked as a backliner, foldback engineer and sound engineer with Italian and international artists.


In 2016 I moved to Berlin (DE), where I worked as a technical assistant in the Studio für Elektroakustische Musik of the Akademie der Künste (AdK). Under the direction of Gregorio Garcìa Karman, here I had the opportunity to work with artists such as Christina Kubisch, Georg Katzer, Vinko Globokar, Carles Santos Ventura, José Manuel Berenguer and many others.


The encounter with these artists pushed me to go deeper into art and multimedia. In 2018 I took a course in pixel mapping and light programming with Madrix software in Dresden (DE).  In the same year, I enrolled at the Rome University of Fine Arts (RUFA) in Rome (IT), graduating in Multimedia Arts and Design with honors.


I then began a path of artistic research by participating in national and international festivals as an audio&light programmer and A/V artist. At the same time I worked on multimedia installations for private and non-private entities, implementing lights, sounds, videos and sensors.


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Made with passion and ❤ by PuzzleDigitalAgency and Carmine De Vita


©armine De Vita – 2024